Winter Blues vs Winter Builds

Don’t put your building plans on pause just yet because TF Systems’ Vertical Insulated Concrete System can be used throughout the winter months, even in Wisconsin.

Winter is coming soon, and with it comes snow in the breeze.  When that snow hits, people in the North can’t help but think of the impending cold months.

Due to this, many people put plans of building a home on pause come winter months because construction isn’t as feasible.  With traditional building methods, this can be true, but with TF Systems’ vertical ICF system, this couldn’t be further from the truth.


To get concrete ready for winter pours, cement is mixed with hot or warm water to reach a temperature of around 70°F.  As the cement cures within the insulated walls, it can reach temperatures of up to 130°F.  This is because the limestone is curing, burning off the excess water to solidify.  The concrete is insulated so it does not settle or shrink in the cold months.

What does this mean for homeowners?

Plans of that dream home, garage, deer stand, cabin, etc. do not have to be put on pause!  Homeowners do not have to wait for fair weather to make their dreams come true; they can start at any time of year.  Why not cure winter blues by watching your building design come to life?  This just means that come the fair-weather months, it’s time to decorate, not build!

What does this mean for contractors?

Bundle up because with these vertical ICF forms, there doesn’t need to be an off season.  Building may be cold, especially in Wisconsin, but TF Forming Systems is able to ensure that there can be work available all year long.

Green House on the Block

Local Homeowner Proving We Can All Build Green 

Berrie West and her partner are building a home near Shiocton with only the help of their loving family.  When West told me that their way to give directions will be to “look for the green house on top of the hill”, I couldn’t help but laugh because the house was built based on passive solar design (eco-friendly), the 6 acre lands will be filled with home gardens and chickens (go green), and the house itself will have vibrant green siding.  All these brilliant aspects tied into one beautiful pun!

Thermal windows and sliding doors beneath roof with eventual solar panels.

Helping the Dream Home Become Reality

West built her berm style home with the help of her father.  Between the two of them, and a little help from family, the built the whole home in their spare time.  Both West and her father are thankful to David Rudolph, from Rudex, LLC construction services, for the help he offered.  Rudolph came out to assist with initial training and pours.  West and her father both said that Rudolph was extremely knowledgeable about the system and what he was doing.

When West was asked what inspired the style of the home, she said she wanted a smaller home for her family that was eco-friendly.  She chose to build with TF Forming Systems’ vertical ICF system because of our high R-value with insulation.  Because it is a passive solar home, more insulation helps keep in the heat from panels and solar windows.  The entire foundation was done using TF’s ICF forms (the main floor and second story).

Waste Reducers

What West and TF Systems alike were both impressed with was the lack of waste on this job site!  Pieces of cut poly-panels were put to use under and above window bucks, alternating seams inside and outside so that two cut pieces weren’t mirroring each other.  In total, West and her father filled roughly four garbage bags full of waste products, two of which were filled with poly-panel scraps to be taken to a special recycling center for Styrofoam.  There was no need for a dumpster at all on this job site!  Many kudos to West and her family for the hard work they put in to having little waste from this home… in fact, they even had pieces left over because of how many scraps they were able to utilize!  This home truly is a “green house”.

Example of scrap pieces being utilized under a window.

Enjoyment with the System

We asked both West and her father what they enjoyed about using TF Systems’ forms.  West said that she enjoyed the challenge of learning a new technique.  It was her first time ever building a house, and she got to learn as she went.  She commented that it was like building a Lego home!  (For adults that loved building with Lego’s as kids, here you go!)  West’s father enjoyed the system because it was easier to work with as a finished contractor than some other systems.

Challenges with the System

West and her father were then asked what challenged them in the system.  West, having put extra corners in her home to create more dimension, did not enjoy having to erect so many corners.  “I didn’t realize how challenging corners can be to put up and then brace!” West commented.  West’s father stated, “the problem with the system is that not everyone working on the project takes the time to understand the system.”  He means that from start to finish, everyone coming in to work on the home, whether it be electrical, plumbing, roofing, finishing, etc. should understand how the foundation of the home works.  Often times, individuals come in for their part of the building without paying attention to the whole picture.

Overall, West is very happy with the project, and is understandably excited for it to be finished so they may move in to their dream home.  We, here at TF Forming System, are happy that we could help make her dream home a reality.

Popular Science Backs ICF Homes

In August, 2017, Popular Science wrote an article about safe rooms built from insulated concrete forms, and they eluded to not needing a safe room if you have a safe home.  Guess what we sell!  And what have we been saying!

For years, TF Forming Systems has been selling a patented vertical ICF system.  We have also stated that there is no need for a safe room when you could have an entire safe home.  Now our statements have been backed by Popular Science!

What makes ICF the best for building safe homes?  The walls are made by alternating plastic studs and inner and outer poly panels.  These poly-panels form a sandwich around concrete and rebar, insulating it.  Because there is no wood within the structural supports, the home is virtually fire and disaster resistant.

Popular Science’s article also states that a safe room should be comfortable for everyone, including children.  We know a lot about making a room comfortable, but we know more about making the whole house comfortable.  You could hide in a safe room or storm shelter or you have the option to hide in your living room, on the couch, with all the snacks from the pantry that you could carry.  How nice would it be to be reassured that you don’t have to run to a corner of the dark, cold basement when the tornado siren goes off; instead you can all congregate in the kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom and know that you are still safe.

Disclosure: Our form system does not prevent glass windows from shattering in the event of a natural disaster.  Please continue to avoid areas with glass or unsupported doors when in a natural disaster situation.


You can read the Popular Science article here.

Building Local

TF System – Local Business since 1994

New residential building being constructed in Little Suamico.

In the midst of a newly growing residential area, there exists a plot of land that has newly broken ground.  What waits there now is the potential of a dream home come true…  That’s exactly what these local homeowners are planning- building local with TF Systems.  And the nice thing for the already established neighbors? Building with TF Systems’ vertical ICF system is quiet; it does not require the sounds of loud drilling or screwing, only the occasional sound of a saw and hum of a generator.



As a local business, TF System was proud to take on the task of constructing a new home in Little Suamico under a well experienced contractor.  The home is a two-story, 2,000 sq. ft. (on the main floor) home.  It consists of an insulated basement and main level with an attached garage.

The basement foundation was finished in early September.  The floor joists for the main floor are on schedule to be put in this week, with plans to start the main level soon after.  The home’s foundation is scheduled to be finished in late October.



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Best “First Time Contractors”

When Jerry Spude, inventor of TF System, was asked what makes a good contractor, he took a moment to think.  His first reply was “Zach Bailey and Glen Chamberlain from Gravette, Arkansas”.  Bailey and Chamberlain are what it takes to be good contractors.

Pictured Left to Right: Zach Bailey, Contractor/Josh Isabell, Homeowner/Glen Chamberlain, Contractor

Spude was asked to elaborate what he meant when he said that Bailey and Chamberlain were what it takes to be a good contractor.

Bailey and Chamberlain were both first time contractors, and they excelled.  What made them so great at what they did?

  1. Followed the detail manual
  2. Took advice with open ears
  3. Were eager to learn
  4. Demonstrated quality work
  5. Had warm personalities

The first house that Bailey and Chamberlain completed was fairly complex for two first time contractors, but with their dedication and hard work, they handled it like masters.

TF System has had good experience with contractors throughout its history, but Bailey and Chamberlain are solid as concrete when it comes to truly great contractors!


Welcome to TF Forming Systems

This world is unpredictable and ever changing, so why worry about your home or business collapsing around you in a time when you need it to stand strong the most?  TF Forming Systems focuses on safety and dependability so that our consumers don’t have to worry.

TF Forming Systems’ vertical insulated concrete design has been tested to withstand average hassles like termites or rot.  It has also been tested to withstand earthshaking events like tornadoes and hurricanes.  A testimonial from a customer located in Tornado Alley stated “I didn’t have to worry about having a safe room.  I have a safe home!”  And while the world is focused on going green, we have also turned over a new leaf.  All the studs used in our building materials are made from recycled plastic. Because the concrete walls are so well insulated, being energy efficient is easy!

We take the frustration out of building with an easy to use form system, few tools, and fair pricing.  Call or email today for more information!

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